BioSwing Dynamics

"What gets Measured, gets Managed"

(Peter Drucker)

Custom fitting for your golf clubs, your shoes and your golf ball is an important part in the 'improvement puzzle' that nearly all golfers go through in the search for improvement and lower scores.

BioSwing Dynamics is the result of over 30 years research into the structural influences which determine why a golfer swings the way they do and takes the guesswork out of determining how a golfer should optimally swing.

Ultimately, you will only ever swing the club in a way which is biomechanically correct for you, and doing so will allow you to swing more efficiently and importantly injury-free.

A BSD Screening allows me as your coach to personalise your improvement plan to a greater depth, and through measuring using Flightscope and Swing Catalyst, really get to the root causes of 'WHY' you swing the club in the way you do

During a screening we can determine

  • How your lower body should move and what your power source is

  • Which plane your club should swing the club on

  • Your Grip Style

  • What is your hip speed: Fast, Medium or Slow

From these series of tests, a set-up can be built which can help to dictate your preferred shot shape, and we can eve work out what your expected Driver distances should be.

Screenings can be booked as standalone sessions, or added to an existing lesson by request.

Duration: 30 minutes